Malchove's Maze (Pronouced Mal-kov's) was my first large scale program (reaching just over 3.5k lines of C code!). It's the (somewhat humorous) story of an ad-hoc adventurer who is compelled to help the wizard Palfore fight against the evil necromancer DeMalae who is spawning monsters across the land! Admittedly a fairly typical RPG plot line, with it being my first major programming project. Also don't ask who Malchove is or what his maze has to do with anything because I never got that far :p.
Here are the features I managed to implement:- Fighting: Someone has to fight those monsters!
- Mini-Map: Maps out all the rooms you've visited.
- Character Following: When you meet Denis, the lumberjack, he joins you on your adventure and follows you around!
- Humor: What game is complete without a bit of comic relief?
- Puzzles and Riddles: Hmmm... What could that mean?
- Icons: In a shorter redesign I figured out how to use custom console fonts to display icons on the command prompt.
- Random Room Generation: This was the last feature I worked on, which was generated random rooms filled with obstacles that would ensure that a path could lead to the other side of the room (which would have the exit). This would fill the towers and the maze.