
My background is broadly in physics, programming, and leadership, with applications in automation, optimization, and data science.

These are the major topics I have encountered either professionally, recreationally, or academically:
  • Creating Comprehensive Python Libraries for Data Engineering (datamesh)
  • Data Science & Management in Financial Technology (warranties)
  • Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations and Machine Learning in Nuclear Physics (Neutron Matter)
  • Reinforcement Learning in Simulated Robots (C++/OpenGL Engine)
  • Game Theory and Player-Decision Optimization (osrsmath)
  • Python & Device Automation Software (pybiosis)
  • Tutoring & Lecturing in STEM (high-school, college, university)
  • Graphs and Network Analysis
  • Home Automation Software
If you're interested in collaborating or would like more details on my skillset, please feel free to reach out.
I am eager and open to exploring potential opportunities.

For professional inquiries, you may view LinkedIn.
For anything else you can check out the Contact Page.